Lockdown Business List

Lockdown Business List

You can now view the list by visiting our Lockdown Directory, which is updated on a regular business. What businesses are open or providing a takeaway, delivery or online service in Eastbourne during Lockdown? This page is being updated regularly. You will soon see...
Eastbourne COBRA Meeting

Eastbourne COBRA Meeting

Eastbourne COBRA took place this afternoon, discussing the lockdown and issues arising as a result. There is still clarity required from national Government in terms of grants and eligibility, and we will update you as soon as we have heard. GrantsEastbourne Borough...
Eastbourne COBRA Meeting

Lockdown and Business Support

On Saturday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced another lockdown from Thursday this week, which is to last throughout November, until 2nd December.We have already had a few questions come through and we are passing these on to the relevant authorities so we can...
Eastbourne COBRA Meeting

Cabinet Office Update – November

Yesterday the Prime Minister announced new national restrictions in England. From Thursday 5 November, everyone must stay at home, and may leave only for a limited set of reasons. These include: For education;For work, if you cannot work from home;For exercise...
Happy Mondays!

Happy Mondays!

Who needs a happy hour when you can have a whole Happy Monday?! Throughout November, businesses in Victoria Place, at the seafront end of Terminus Road, will be offering exclusive ‘Happy Monday’ discounts. With food, drinks, hair and gifts all being...
Eastbourne COBRA Meeting

Cabinet Office Update

Please see today’s COVID-19 Business Bulletin which covers the Plan for Jobs: Financial support for businesses and workers from Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, further Halloween assets and new translated Local Alert Level assets.Chancellor...