COBRA Meeting – 15th of April

Full notes to follow tomorrow

Business Support Grants: 

  • 814 applications have been logged, representing around 45% of the total claims for Eastbourne
  • First payments are being made tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday
  • Letters and emails have been sent to eligible businesses. Government have not yet announced a cut off date. 
  • Those who have not made a claim who are eligible will be called by Eastbourne Borough Council over the coming weeks.
  • Applications can be made via

Business Sub Group

  • We once again lobbied Caroline Ansell and the Government for additional support for those not eligible for grants, including micro businesses, co-hub working, professional and manufacturing sectors
  • Christina Ewbank suggested using Business East Sussex, ESCC, Edeal and LDBG as conduits to get grant money to micros.  They can carry out due diligence through all their consultants and get support where it is needed – fast.  Caroline Ansell requested a briefing paper to take to Cabinet. 
  • No individual represented at COBRA could identify a business that had been successful in receiving a CBILs Loan
  • Insurance claims are also not paying out and are dragging their feet. We called for the Government to force companies to pay out and to apply more pressure on the banks. 
  • We have also requested that those businesses who are currently challenging their rateable value are awarded the grant should they become eligible as a result of the challenge. 

Eastbourne Borough Council Update

  • The District Councils Network are lobbying for additional support for seaside towns, based on the pressures faced to the tourism industry
  • There have been 1,200 contacts made with the community hub
  • 80 calls were received over the Easter Bank Holiday and 10 emergency food boxes were issued.
  • Officers have been working throughout the weekend to support businesses via the grant applications, as well as prioritising benefit claims

Police Update

  • Police have issued 8 fixed penalty notices since the 11th of April to individuals who have continued to break social distancing rules
  • Your Eastbourne BID Street Ambassadors were once again thanked by the Police for their activities
  • Police are being firm with the street community to establish boundaries
  • Police are now able to obtain tests for officers and their families who are symptomatic 

MP Update

  • Caroline is working with care homes to ensure that they have adequate PPE provision
  • Caroline is keen to ensure that there is a joining up of those voluntary groups making PPE and the national supply 
  • She is also working closely with the Police to ensure that domestic abuse is taken seriously, If you are trapped in an abusive houehold you can call 999 from your mobile phone if you are in danger.  If you are unable to speak, dial 999 then 55 from your mobile and the Police will respond to you as a priority.